Tracy H Wang PhD
Cognitive Neuroscience / UX Research / Creative Consulting
Research Portfolio
About Wild Wild Westie, LLC
Wild Wild Westie, LLC organizes an annual dance competition event in Dallas, TX. This annual event gained 30% growth every year from 2012 through 2019 with the advantage of targeted creative programming. The 2019 event drew over 1100 participants from over 10 countries, becoming one of the largest events of its kind in the world.
Methods used:
Quantitative Demographic Analysis
Structured Interviews
User Personas
Feedback Survey
please use desktop view for optimal layout
About MoreHands Maid Service
Morehands Maid Service is family-owned business in Texas that specializes at in-home cleaning services. They prioritize customer service and providing a living wage to employees and wanted to understand whether customers were aware of their brand. I provided brand assessment and new product assessment for their laundry service roll-out.
Methods used:
User Roadmap
Market Share Targeting
Structured Interviews
User Discovery
Academic: More is less: Increased processing for unwanted memories
Everyday we are bombarded with information about the world around us. How do we decide what is important enough to remember and what should be forgotten? The ability to forget is a key aspect of successful memory, by economically discarding information that is no longer relevant or useful. This experiment explored neural activity states of intentional forgetting - how we can discard an unwanted memory - with implications that there are brain states that encourage this type of forgetting.
Methods used:
A/B Testing
Machine Learning
Bayesian Probability Modeling
Bootstrap Sampling
Logistical Regression Analysis
Representational Similarity Analysis
In Construction
Academic: Why we want older brains to look like younger brains
Is age just really a number? These series of experiments challenged what we know about age - and the biological ramifications of brain aging and memory. I used fMRI and EEG to look brain activity associated with different levels of memory performance in healthy older (65+) and younger (18-29) adults. There was strong evidence that brain activity associated with successful memory was not tied to age per se, but rather high memory performance - with implications that older adults are capable of high memory performance on par with young adults, but with impairments in the post-memory process of responding.
Methods used:
A/B Testing
Neuropsychological Interviews
Large dataset analysis