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Remember to Forget: Reactivating Prior Context to Forget Items in Item-Method Directed Forgetting. Collaboration with Drs. Judy Chiu, Lili Sahakyan and Diane Beck at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign


awarded F32 National Research Service Award from National Institute for Neurological Disease and Stroke (NINDS)

2017 Awarded CLM Submission Talk : Forgetting is more work than remembering

Summer 2017

Taught Introduction to Cognitive Psychology at UT Austin


October 10th - 31st 2016 attended Cajal Brain Prize Course – the Hippocampus: from Circuits to Cognition part of the CAJAL Advanced Neuroscience Training Programme - funding supported by the journal "Hippocampus"


Item-Method Directed Forgetting - the IMDiF project: using machine learning methods to decode neural activity associated intentional forgetting memories.

June 2014 

Started Postdoctoral Research Fellowship with Dr. Jarrod-Lewis Peacock

PhD Work


Awarded T-32 Predoctoral Fellowship awarded to the University of California, Irvine  Alzheimer's Disease Research Center​


EEG and fMRI studies on the neural correlates of recognition memory in young and older adults


The Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 2011

2006 - 2007

An fMRI study on the neural correlates of recognition memory in Advanced Aging (85+) Published in Neuropsychologia 2009 



Awarded T-32 Predoctoral Fellowship awarded to the University of California, Irvine  Alzheimer's Disease Research Center​

June 2006

Started Graduate Program with Dr. Michael D. Rugg



Functional MRI project "LifeSpan I"

recruiting and running 300+ older adults in a longitudinal examination of memory and cognitive control

June 2004

Started Research Associate Position with Dr. Randy L. Buckner

Awarded Departmental Award for "Best Thesis in Neuroscience" 2004


The Relationship among a naturalistic stressor, frontal EEG Asymmetry, Stress and Health. Biological Psychology 2007

February 2002

Started Research Assistant Position on NSF Multi-year grant awarded to Drs. Richard Lewis and Nicole Weekes

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