Tracy H Wang PhD
Cognitive Neuroscience / UX Research / Creative Consulting
"More is less: increasing processing of unwanted memories facilitates forgetting"
Published in Journal of Neuroscience
Remember to Forget: Reactivating Prior Context to Forget Items in Item-Method Directed Forgetting. Collaboration with Drs. Judy Chiu, Lili Sahakyan and Diane Beck at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
awarded F32 National Research Service Award from National Institute for Neurological Disease and Stroke (NINDS)
2017 Awarded CLM Submission Talk : Forgetting is more work than remembering
Summer 2017
Taught Introduction to Cognitive Psychology at UT Austin
October 10th - 31st 2016 attended Cajal Brain Prize Course – the Hippocampus: from Circuits to Cognition part of the CAJAL Advanced Neuroscience Training Programme - funding supported by the journal "Hippocampus"
Item-Method Directed Forgetting - the IMDiF project: using machine learning methods to decode neural activity associated intentional forgetting memories.
June 2014
Started Postdoctoral Research Fellowship with Dr. Jarrod-Lewis Peacock
PhD Work
The effects of age on the neural correlates of recollection success, recollection-related cortical reinstatement, and post-retrieval monitoring. Published in Cerebral Cortex.
Awarded T-32 Predoctoral Fellowship awarded to the University of California, Irvine Alzheimer's Disease Research Center​
EEG and fMRI studies on the neural correlates of recognition memory in young and older adults.
The Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 2011
2006 - 2007
An fMRI study on the neural correlates of recognition memory in Advanced Aging (85+) Published in Neuropsychologia 2009
Awarded T-32 Predoctoral Fellowship awarded to the University of California, Irvine Alzheimer's Disease Research Center​
June 2006
Started Graduate Program with Dr. Michael D. Rugg
Functional MRI project "LifeSpan I"
recruiting and running 300+ older adults in a longitudinal examination of memory and cognitive control
Open Access Structural Imaging Series (OASIS): Cross-Sectional Data Across the Adult Lifespan.
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 2007
June 2004
Started Research Associate Position with Dr. Randy L. Buckner
Awarded Departmental Award for "Best Thesis in Neuroscience" 2004
The Relationship among a naturalistic stressor, frontal EEG Asymmetry, Stress and Health. Biological Psychology 2007
February 2002
Started Research Assistant Position on NSF Multi-year grant awarded to Drs. Richard Lewis and Nicole Weekes